
Sims 4 move objects cheat
Sims 4 move objects cheat

sims 4 move objects cheat sims 4 move objects cheat

You can reduce the size of enlarged objects by pressing Shift + [. To change the size of an object, select an object and press Shift +].

  • Left click to place the object and that’s it!.
  • Hold down SHIFT and press] to enlarge the object, or SHIFT and press [to reduce the object until the object is the desired size.
  • Just click on the object you want to zoom in or out. As long as the object is not bigger than your group, you can make it as big as you want!How do you zoom in on The Sims 4 images with this in mind? To change the size of an object, select an object and press the Shift + key]. Sims 4 Move Objects Cheat How do you zoom in on The Sims 4?

    Sims 4 move objects cheat